
Bacteriophage Bank of Korea(www.phagebank.or.kr)
The Bacteriophage Bank of Korea has a stock of over 3000 phages infecting various host bacteria. The extensive experience of our personnel enables the careful selection of phages for the creation of optimal cocktails for the targeted bacterium.

Endolysins are phage enzymes which degrade bacterial cell walls thereby facilitating explosive perforation by mature phages after their multiplication inside host cells. Purified endolysin can instantly kill target bacteria upon contact. We are currently developing endolysins as protein based antibacterial drugs against a variety of target bacteria.

Oncolytic Phage (OP)
Oncolytic viruses (OV) first received US FDA approval in 2015. Human viruses like herpes simplex virus (HSV) are utilized to attack and kill cancer cells. LyseNTech derived oncolytic phages (OP) display homing peptides to specific cancer cells, while simultaneously harboring expression cassettes for anticancer cytokines in viral genomes. They can efficiently attack cancer cells and alter the tumor microenvironment, leading to tumor regression.